Retrieval/download of photos:

  • from Facebook

  • received via SMS/MMS ….

  • received via Messenger...

  • from ICloud/Dropbox etc

 – er meget tidskrævende…

Derfor koster det 50,- pr. hvert 6 minutters tidsforbrug,
hvis du skal have hjælp til opgaven.

You can make it easier for yourself if you put your photos
on a medium – preferably a USB stick,
or alternatively on the camera roll of your mobile.

Photos from Facebook and photos received via MMS or Messenger are
technically so compressed that their quality is usually very poor.
Billederne KAN laves, men du skal altid forberede dig på en sandsynlig dårlig billedkvalitet.
Your money may be spent on a picture, which is, technically speaking, of poor quality, or your money may in worst case be wasted.
Popp Photo oplyser det for at være fair over for dig, men beslutningen er naturligvis altid din !


Also here you can make it easier for yourself. In fact by writing your mailtext in your usual mail programme
to lab(snabel-a)
and THEN in the SAME mail attach all your photos (in FULL resolution).

So please do not just forward each individual photo from
Facebook, SMS/MMS, Messenger and/or iCloud/Dropbox/etc…..

Hvis billedmængden overstiger anbefalet Mbyte, må du gerne bruge WeTransfer i stedet.

If you forward the photos separately or by individual mails,
er hentning/download meget tidskrævende,
derfor vil det koste dig de 50,- ekstra pr. brugt 6 minutter.

You can order your Photos easily by clicking here..